- 8x DS18 PRO-X6BM 6.5″
- pakete de 8 bosinas ds18 pro_6.5
- 6.5" Midrange Loudspeaker with Red Aluminum Bullet
- Red Color Steel Basket, 30 Oz High Strength Ferrite Magnet
- Cloth Edge and Non-Pressed Paper Cone, 1.5" High Temperature CCAR Voice Coil
- Rms Power: 250 Watts
- Peak Power: 500 Watts
- Woofer Size: 6.5″
- Voice Coil: 1.5" CCAR
- Impedance: 4-ohm
- Frequency Response: 116Hz – 17KHz
- Sensitivity: 90dB
este pakete incluye 8 bosinas ds18 pro 6.5!!!!!!